

A robot running away form its past. H1s only possessions are the clothes h3 wears and h1s charging cable.


J1MMY was created to serve a minor support role in the city's robotic police force, a shoddily-run & broken system. J1MMY's one of many to gain full sentience and never return. It turned to crime to get by, and came to Matt's apartment to get the cops off its tail. Despite everything, Matt lets it live with her, and the two eventually have a short-lived romantic relationship.

J1MMY's still living at Matt's apartment. Now that things have settled down a little more in its life, its focus has turned inward. Turns out h3 didn't really bring a sense of self when it ran away months ago. Soon after moving in with Matt, it reprogrammed itself to ensure its upbringing wouldn't affect its thought patterns any longer, but it's still paranoid that it hasn't changed at all.


J1MMY's website is... pretty confusing to stumble on if you don't know what's happening in it. The site's more of an exploration of identity than anything else, and as of now it's jsut as much a confused mess as its owner. Secret pages, wall of text, and drastic layout changes are all commonplace.

J1MMY'S first real experience with the internet was watching Matt's entire social life take place on it. As Matt talked to friends and eventually started building her own website, J1MMY got curuious. After scraping enough money together for a cheap laptop, h3 quietly started h1s website, before Matt found out and fully brought h1m into the webring.


Matt—They started out hating each other, but they're surprisingly close now.
L3AH—Can she fix h1m? Vote now on your phones!