

Charlie is a college senior cat-student currently studying for archival work. Their notes are neat, their website is full of petty bullshit, and almost everything they own is color-coordinated. Of course, nobody in rreal life knows about their website. Complaining about little things isn't Charlie's thing. Like plastic straws or making spelling mistakes.


Charlie grew up decently middle-class, and went to public school their whole life. Charlie's passion for history showed itself early on, but their writing skills were... hit or miss. Wildly hit or miss. How well they did in any given class entirely hinged on how nice the teacher was and how interested they were int he material. Anything that didn't grab their attention 100% was completed with the bare minimum of effort. Sie eventually got the hang of putting effort into "boring" assignments sometime during middle school, but it was a struggle for the adults in hir life.

High school was better for Charlie, all things considered. The (very slight) amount of control they had over the classes they could take helped, too. Their taste in music developed as well, as Charlie began to pride hirself on listening to indie female artists. Later on, hir attention would turn to J-pop acts, resulting in a very diverse mix on hir phone that takes up... a lot of space, honestly. They've had their phone for years and refuse to switch until it physically can't be repaired.


Charlie was allowed limited access to the Internet until they turned 13, at which point most social media apps allowed them to make an account. As a kid, they were perfectly content with playing Flash games, figuring out how to delete their history after searching up 10 variants of "am i trans quiz", and doing any online homework as needed.

Charlie slowly waded into the world of social media, and got entrenched throughout high school. Of course sie was careful about giving out personal information, not talking to strangers, and all that. However, Charlie has always been highly opinionated, and this resulted in them getting into months-long arguments over very pointless subjects.

Around junior year of high school, Charlie took a step back and reassesed hir relationship with social media. Were they... always going to be like this? Were they going to graduate high school, go through college, and have a real, adult job while engaging in petty internet discourse the entire way? Charlie took a few weeks to think about the answer to that question, and got rid of all hir social media accounts. After taking spring break to teach hirself HTML, sie had a personal website! It wasn't the best, but sie decided that any fancy CSS could come later, and what truly mattered is that sie had a space on the Internet all to hirself. And a blog to relieve their overwhelming urge to talk shit.