

Ula may be older than a lot of the webring's members, but they only started their website fairly recently. The site is still very important to mer as a place to open up about merself, something mer is less willing to go through anywhere else.


Ula was never able to connect with other people like they thought they should. No matter what, everyone else just seemed... miles ahead of them. Sometimes they preferred it that way. Less time spent socializing, more time for reading.

It took a while to put all the pieces together, but they were always drawn to water in some way. They were raised near a lake, and joined the swim team at every school they attended. They became obsessed with fish as a kid, and got really into proper fish care. Their favorite books were always fantasy. It wasn't until they were 25 when they found the word for everything they were feeling: mermaidkin.


Ula's fringe spiritual beliefs lead mer to the outskirts of larger social media, and the fishkeeping websites that mer frequents familiarized mer with old-looking websites. Making a personal website wasn't a very large step from there, but mer wasn't very code savvy. There are still remnants of the template mer used on the site to this day, and mer's still a little scared of Javascript.


Crystal—Crystal was one of the first people in the webring Ula met, first visiting her website for her pizel resources, then returning upon finding out she also has pet fish. The two started talking from there, and the rest is history!