Matt’s been laying low after her most recent relationship ended in a messy breakup. Of course, perfect time for two runaways to start living in his apartment!
Matt gets pretty torn up after breaking up with Crystal. Matt doesn't have too much time to focus on that, however, when Telecope and J1MMY start hanging around her and refuse to leave. Matt and J1MMY go from shitty roommates to shitty lovers to half-decent exes in the span of a couple months, all while Telescope's childlike curiosity almost gets all three thrown in a government lab multiple times over.
The experience leaves all three better off at the end, despite Matt being at her lowest, J1MMY still figuring out who it is outside of the law, and Telescope being a baby.
After building up the courage to contact Crystal again (who got over the breakup like 2 weeks after it happened), he seriously considers making a personal website for the first time. His job is tied to larger platforms, he didn't think it was necessary. But seeing how much Crystal talks about her site gets him curious, and he does want to bond with her outside of the relationship again.
His site's pretty barebones at first. He can't really think of what to put on it until he brings it up on stream, and the suggestions from chat start rolling in. He decides on reviewing the games he plays on stream, and works in a semi-personal blog later on.
J1MMY—They started out hating each other, but they're surprisingly close now.
Crystal—Matt took the breakup hearder than Crystal, but they're slowly becoming friends again. It's still a little awkward.