

Originally from Unova, Kerberos moved to Sinnoh after an unknown incident and became a researcher. The lab they joined was largely funded by Team Galactic, and frequent meetings brought them very close to the Commanders. Despite their outspoken, somewhat rebellious nature, they got along well with their donors, and gravitated towards Charon especially.
After Cyrus disappears, they run off with Charon, steal some rings, and start calling themselves spouses.


  1. Beheeyem—Starter Pokemon
  2. Drapion
  3. Dusknoir—Shiny (to differentiate from my other Dusknoir OC)
  4. Porygon-Z
  5. Magnezone
  6. Stardust (Cleffa)—Co-owned with Charon. Doesn't regualrly battle with Kerberos, and is kept mor as a pet.


Cyrus—He's annoyed by them, but can't do shit about it becuase they're technically not a direct employee of Team Galactic. They think he's a little insane, but funding's funding.
Charon—Their husband! They didn't quite trust him at first but they ended upw orking through it together. The partners in crime ever.
The rest of the commanders—Friends? Friends.
Other Team Galactic members—They don't really talk to the rest of Team Galactic much. Sometimes they'll start battling one in the middle of the hallway (which gets annoying), but otherwise they're pretty neutral.